When searching over the Internet, I have come across so many web sites that blatantly give out the "WRONG" information and NO PROOF for their information. The persons out there portraying this information Do NOT indicate whether their information is speculative or proven with verifiable documentation. This is very frustrating since many other people "May" take this information and continue "Publishing" the same errors over and over again. I do wish that people would state whether their family information is proven or not and get rid of the many errors that are "Circling" on the Internet. One example of this is that so many people have William Strickland as married to "A Mary Whitehead". I have proven that this is FALSE with documentation from the Quaker Church Records in North Carolina which states that Mary Whitehead married someone else (Benjamin Denson). Anyone who has listed William Strickland with a wife named Mary Whitehead should Correct their information immediately as William Strickland Did NOT marry Mary Whitehead!!
This William Strickland was also reported to have been the son of William and Olive (?Pittman), Again this is NOT True! This William Strickland, who Did marry Martha Brown (proven), was the son of Mathew Strickland, Jr and wife Ann Braswell (proven). This William Strickland (and Martha Brown) lived in the Tarr River, Edgecombe County area of North Carolina.